When things go wrong…

When things for wrong – Know that it’s okay! Lots of my shit has gone wrong. I am a constant work in progress. I am not perfect. But I know I am loved and that is what gives me courage to keep trying, to keep growing, to keep risking and to carry on. Let me…

The power is yours, my Darling.

Take a journey with Lady Rose. Learn from her years of study & experience in the arcane mystical arts of how to purposely create your own Happily Ever After. Beginning with a unique approach of a study of the Tarot, she will guide you through the secrets of the Major Arcana ~ show you the…

Heap of Abundance – What is it?

What is HEAP of Abundance? My HEAP of Abundance Course stands for Happily Ever After Program of Abundance. IT will change your life! I can tell you some of the ways in can change your life but once you are doing it, your life will change in ways you can’t even imagine! It has for…

Happy New Year?

New Years ~ the time of a fresh brand new year ahead of us! It’s an exciting time of hope and new starts ~ that being said, I often find people commenting that they are happy to see the last year ending, now some may have had a legitimately hard year, perhaps they have lost…

Welcome my darlings…

I’m Rhonda, also known as Lady Rose, The Pampered Kitty, and Momma Cat. Welcome to my online landing page.  From here you will able to quickly connect with me in all my various forms. You can find me on Facebook HEAP of Abundance Society (FB Group) Goddess Garage (FB Group) Rhonda’s Tarot Parlor (FB Page)…